Getting Started


cd <your_project_directory>
npm install @binance/connector

API Key Pair Generation

One account can have multiple API key and secret key pairs. Please follow the step by step tutorial and create the key on web site or mobile app.



const { Spot } = require('@binance/connector')

const apiKey = ''
const apiSecret = ''
const client = new Spot(apiKey, apiSecret)

// Get account information
client.account().then(response => client.logger.log(

// Place a new order
client.newOrder('BNBUSDT', 'BUY', 'LIMIT', {
  price: '350',
  quantity: 1,
  timeInForce: 'GTC'
}).then(response => client.logger.log(
  .catch(error => client.logger.error(error))

Please find examples folder to check for more endpoints.

Base URL

If base_url is not provided, it defaults to

It's recommended to pass in the base_url parameter, even in production as Binance provides alternative URLs in case of performance issues:


Optional Parameters

Optional parameters are encapsulated to a single object as the last function parameter. For example, recvWindow is available for endpoints requiring timestamp and signature. It defaults to 5000 (milliseconds) and can be any value lower than 60000 (milliseconds). Anything beyond the limit will result in an error response from Binance server.

const { Spot } = require('@binance/connector')

const apiKey = ''
const apiSecret = ''
const client = new Spot(apiKey, apiSecret)

client.account({ recvWindow: 6000 }).then(response => client.logger.log(

Response Metadata

The Binance API server provides weight usages in the headers of each response. This information can be fetched from headers property. x-mbx-used-weight and x-mbx-used-weight-1m show the total weight consumed within 1 minute.

// client initialization is skipped

client.exchangeInfo().then(response => client.logger.log(response.headers['x-mbx-used-weight-1m']))

Custom Logger Integration

const Spot = require('@binance/connector')
const fs = require('fs')
const { Console } = require('console')

// make sure the logs/ folder is created beforehand
const output = fs.createWriteStream('./logs/stdout.log')
const errorOutput = fs.createWriteStream('./logs/stderr.log')

const logger = new Console({ stdout: output, stderr: errorOutput })
const client = new Spot('', '', {logger: logger})

client.exchangeInfo().then(response => client.logger.log(
// check the output file

The default logger defined in the package is Node.js Console class. Its output is sent to process.stdout and process.stderr, same as the global console.


There are 2 types of error may be returned from the API server and the user has to handle it properly:

  • Client error

    • This is thrown when server returns 4XX, this means either query parameters or API key is not in an acceptable form.
    • The following properties may be helpful to resolve the issue:
      • Response header - Please refer to Response Metadata section for more details.
      • HTTP status code
      • Error code - Server's error code, e.g. -1102
      • Error message - Server's error message, e.g. Unknown order sent.
    // client initialization is skipped
    client.exchangeInfo({ symbol: 'invalidSymbol' })
      .then(response => client.logger.log(
      .catch(err => {
        client.logger.error(err.response.headers) // full response header
        client.logger.error(err.response.status) // 400
        client.logger.error( // includes both error code and message
  • Server error

    • This is thrown when server returns 5XX, it's an issue from server side.


const { Spot } = require('@binance/connector')

const client = new Spot('', '', {
  wsURL: 'wss://' // If optional base URL is not provided, wsURL defaults to wss://

const callbacks = {
  open: () => client.logger.log('open'),
  close: () => client.logger.log('closed'),
  message: data => client.logger.log(data)
const aggTrade = client.aggTradeWS('bnbusdt', callbacks)

// unsubscribe the stream above
setTimeout(() => client.unsubscribe(aggTrade), 3000)

// support combined stream
const combinedStreams = client.combinedStreams(['btcusdt@miniTicker', 'ethusdt@tikcer'], callbacks)

More websocket examples are available in the examples folder.

Unsubscribe a Stream

Unsubscription is achieved by closing the connection. If this method is called without any connection established, the console will output a message No connection to close.

// client initialization is skipped
const wsRef = client.aggTradeWS('bnbusdt', callbacks)

// The connection (bnbusdt@aggTrade) is closed after 3 secs.
setTimeout(() => client.unsubscribe(wsRef), 3000)

Subscribe a User Data Stream

User data streams provide the account, balance, and order updates related to a user. In order to collect such data, a listen key is required. There are 3 different kind of listen keys provided: spot, cross margin, and isolated margin. Each key refers to one specific data stream. Besides, once a listen key is generated by a POST request, e.g. POST /api/v3/userDataStream for spot user data stream, the key is valid for 60 minutes. Do send a PUT request regularly to extend the key validity for another 60 minutes so as to keep utilizing the same connection. For more information, please refer to Stream module of the connector document or User Data Streams section of official API document.

Auto Reconnect

If there is a close event not initiated by the user, the reconnection mechanism will be triggered in 5 secs.

Custom Logger Integration

const { Console } = require('console')
const fs = require('fs')
const Spot = require('@binance/connector')

// make sure the logs/ folder is created beforehand
const output = fs.createWriteStream('./logs/stdout.log')
const errorOutput = fs.createWriteStream('./logs/stderr.log')

const logger = new Console({ stdout: output, stderr: errorOutput })
const client = new Spot('', '', {logger})

const callbacks = {
  open: () => client.logger.log('open'),
  close: () => client.logger.log('closed'),
  message: data => client.logger.log(data)

const wsRef = client.aggTradeWS('bnbusdt', callbacks)
setTimeout(() => client.unsubscribe(wsRef), 5000)
// check the output file

The default logger defined in the package is Node.js Console class. Its output is sent to process.stdout and process.stderr, same as the global console.

Note that when the connection is initialized, the console outputs a list of callbacks in the form of listen to event: <event_name>.


While /sapi/* endpoints don't have testnet environment yet, /api/* endpoints can be tested in Spot Testnet. You can use it by changing the base URL:

// provide the testnet base url
const client = new Spot(apiKey, apiSecret, { baseURL: ''})


cd <this_project_directory>

npm install

npm run test


Futures and Vanilla Options APIs are not supported:

  • /fapi/*
  • /dapi/*
  • /vapi/*
  • Associated Websocket Market and User Data Streams